Author Archives: LMAE

When will Europeans finally stand up?

I fled Europe to protect my kids and save my soul. When faced with death or survival while destroying part of your soul, many choose the latter option. As all sensible options are removed (read: political changes, effective policing, economical reforms, close the borders…), and the situation degrades further (read: bombings, growing unrest, unemployment and mass poverty) there will soon be only one option left: revolution. When Europeans finally throw their corrupt and inept government through the window, what’s next is very predictable: genocide, civil war, mass graves, killing fields, ethnic cleansing, religious war. That’s what’s going to happen. And that’s why I cowardly fled.

When your only hope is Russia

Putin is a dictator. He kills opponents, imprisons journalists or powerful tycoons who dare campaign against him. He sent its military on many occasions across frontiers on clear acts of agression (Georgia, Ukraine). Elections are jokes and the country is still very corrupt and only able to feed itself because of oil prices (well, not for long now that they plunged…).

Yet, Putin’s Russia is where a lot of people in Western Europe look at to find hope. Here’s why: because they have the will to live and outlast their enemies. Because they play their game with their set of rules for their own benefit. That’s it. And most Europeans now would welcome a strongman to deal with the multiple issues their current breed of politicians created (with their votes, and tax money!), just like Putin is. They want the strength, the want the decisiveness in action, the want to know that their leader has a strategy, ruthlessness, and will use force when the interest of the country (which miraculously intersect with the wallet of the leader’s family) are in jeopardy.

And that’s why Europe will soon be the home of another mass civil war/genocide. People will ask for leaders to rise, and when they will, Lord it’s going to get ugly.

The end of Europe

Europe is a very delicate place. It’s been built across millenias, from the Ancient Greeks to the Roman Empire, the historically and culturally rich Middle Ages, to the religious wars that tore the heartland of Europe during the 30 Years War. Revolutions, wars, industrial revolution, more wars, more culture, complete domination of the planet…

It took all that time, all that accumulated experience, to have these delicate societies, the laws, the customs, the food, the language, the culture that makes what Europe is. And when you travel there, it’s obvious at nearly every corner. And even in the places that have been totally brought down through wars (Berlin for instance!) are part of history, testament to the almost complete physical destructions some countries went through, yet survived and thrived.

But it’s coming to an end. The « migrants » will bring it down for good. Because they don’t share the culture, because they don’t understand why things are the way they are, they don’t understand the logic of our laws, customs. Some people will stop me at that point, and tell me « wait! they can learn! ». Well, no they can’t. They’re just unable to do it for a simple reason: they lack the necessary IQ, and we’re not enforcing the laws on them. So they’ll never learn.

Here’s some food for thought about the economical aspect of it:

(About the IQ: mean IQ in North Africa is 85, and standard dev is around 7 points, and given the shape of IQ distribution 95% of the population is within 2 standard deviation of the mean. For North Africa, 97.5% of the population has an IQ below 99. 100 is the average in Western Europe. 97.5% of immigrants from North Africa have a lower IQ than HALF the population of Europe.
Edit: sdev is 15 points, so my calculations above are wrong, and it’s not as bad as I say above, BUT it’s still bad. More here:

It takes only one side to start a war

France finally got its version of 9/11. Killing soldiers and Jewish elementary school children wasn’t outrageous enough. Killing cartoonists and yet more Jews didn’t make the cut either. After all, like Kerry said, killing the cartoonists was kind of understandable and there’s enough anti-semitism to fill volumes (disguised under support to « Palestine » or « jews control the world« ).
Attacks on a chemical plant (one person beheaded), or on a church (one woman shot dead) were not enough to wake up French people. Who cares about isolated incidents? Then there was the infamous Thalys attack, which would have been a massacre save for… American tourists! So it took 130+ dead, hundreds of wounded, lots of orphans, probably some people left disabled, for the French to wake up.

French didn’t know, ignored it, but they were at war way before 13th of November. Not fighting didn’t make it less of a war, it just made escalation inevitable.

Terrorist attacks in Paris.

Twice in 2015, people are killed by terrorists using AK47, in Paris. The screenshot below (from mainstream radio Europe1) says « shooting » as if they were random events. Completely delusional. France is now in a civil war. Bloodbath will inevitably follow.


The religion of peace

The Religion of Peace never fails to bring new evidence of its peacefullness. European friends, you know the same guys perpretating the massacres are now crossing the Mediterranean sea in great numbers? You’re opening your doors to them, and you’re now a few feet away from the abyss. You’re fools, because now you’ve set the stage for a new genocide. In the end, it will be you, or them. Will you have the guts to stand up and survive?

The stupid, it hurts!

Once Greeks had chosen a communist government over a socialist one (Tsirpas over Papandreou), the endgame was clear: default. Debt levels are just too high, and Greece as a whole is not productive enough and worse, not willing to produce more anyway to pay off its debts. Basically, the money printing by the ECB just went to Greeks through some government programs, a cut for the bankers etc. None went to actually fund any kind of project to fuel real production. You know, like building USEFUL things, buying machines, a new hotel, or anything of the kind.

So, what now? Well, default of course. But then, is there some hope? Well, to understand how Greece put itself where it is, let’s go back a few centuries, with the Ottoman Empire rule over Greece:

This period of Ottoman rule had a profound impact in Greek society, as new elites emerged. The Greek land-owning aristocracy that traditionally dominated the Byzantine Empire suffered a tragic fate, and was almost completely destroyed. The new leading class in Ottoman Greece were the prokritoi[7] (πρόκριτοι in Greek) called kocabaşis by the Ottomans. The prokritoi were essentially bureaucrats and tax collectors, and gained a negative reputation for corruption and nepotism.

Yup, that’s from wikipedia. Their elite has been bureaucrats and tax collectors. You now know why their favourite sport is tax evasion. In recent times,  Greeks repeatedly made clear that they want their cake and eat it too. They want the others to pay for their swimming pools, retirement and healthcare. They’ve been brainwashed  and will NOT choose the only course that could get them out of the hole they themselves dug. Nope, they’re going to double down. They’ll print money probably, which will devaluate more or less rapidly. They’ll blame speculators for that, capitalists, entrepreneurs, bankers. Then supermarkets shelves will become empty. And they’ll again blame speculators, jews, and germans. And they’ll impose price controls over food, toilet paper and some other items. Then the infrastructure will start crumbling, subway lines won’t run anymore, because they won’t have the cash to pay for parts. And they’ll blame somebody else again.

Basically, Greece is now the first failed European state. It’s becoming Argentina-bis.

(and that’s another reason I moved to Canada from France: France will follow in less than a decade)

Socialism doesn’t only destroy wealth, it destroys people too

There are endless debates about free market versus government managed economy (call it socialism, crony capitalism, communism, fascism as well…).  What people fail to grasp is where this all leads at the end of the road (to serfdom). Of course socialism destroys economies, as it has been the case everywhere it’s been « tried », and that’s been the case throughout the majority of human history (no freedom of association, no property rights…) and still is for most of the world (think Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Russia…), but it does more than that. Socialism utterly destroys people culturally, mentally, physically.

France, by destroying its culture, by forcing islam on its population through education (state controlled of course, mandatory of course), is going full steam. But it’s also killing innovation, creativity. In a decade or two, there won’t be enough people to run the nuclear powerplants, the trains, and there already are major shortages of every kind of health care professional. People become damaged goods. Unable to think independently, unable to take any kind of initiative, always seeking risk-free paths, even if it means certain failure but acceptable because it’s the politically correct thing to do or there’s a consensus to do it. And when these people have kids, they raise them in the same values. They may feel the pain, they can’t fight the core values they’ve been told to hold dear for years.

France is doomed.

Muh Russia

There are many putin apologists, some funded by Russia, some by sheer gullibility or stupidity, but there’s one clear thing: since 2008, Georgia and then Ukraine were both invaded with Russian hardware, money, troops and some locals have been trained by Russia to maintain a straight face.

So, the baltic states are next, and NATO should help them. Otherwise it will be Poland next, then what?

How long would a North Korean offensive last?

I was randomly browsing Strategy Page today, and came across this:

it is increasingly doubtful if the North Korean combat forces could get very far during an invasion of South Korea. Despite all that a lot of North Korean troops are believed to be reliable enough to carry out orders to invade South Korea, for a while at least, and that could end up doing a lot of damage to Seoul (the southern capital where half the population and a quarter of the GDP are)

Well, I’ve got an idea for the South Koreans. Place HUGE depots of brand new cars, warehouses of tablets, smartphones, 75″ TVs, supermarkets filled with items never seen in the north on the way to Seoul. Make EVERY kilometer a temptation. How long would the discipline be maintained when the LOOT would be all over the troops? I bet they’d stop at the first supermarket, wonder about the microwave, fall in love to Hyuna or other kpop idols on the TVs. Political commissars would be unable to stop the troops from staring at girls taller and healthier than any Norks they could lay their eyes upon, all that food and gagdets they’d never seen before! And it would be over in half a day.