Réaction rapide

Poutine ouvre le bal:

Medvedev said he hoped the next U.S. administration would act to improve relations. In a separate telegram, he congratulated Barack Obama on his election victory and said he was hoping for « constructive dialogue » with the incoming U.S. president.

Et pour améliorer le dialogue, rien ne vaut quelques missiles:

The president said the Iskander missiles will be deployed to Russia’s Kaliningrad region, which lies between Poland and the ex-Soviet republic of Lithuania on the Baltic Sea, but did not say how many would be used. Equipment to electronically hamper the operation of prospective U.S. missile defense facilities in Poland and the Czech Republic will be deployed, he said.

Et Obama devra servir de tapis:

Speaking just hours after Obama was declared the victor in the U.S. presidential election, Medvedev said he hoped the incoming administration will take steps to improve badly damaged U.S. ties with Russia. He suggested it is up to the U.S. — not the Kremlin — to seek to improve relations.

En résumé: la Russie va placer des missiles aux frontières de la Pologne, membre de l’Otan, pour éventuellement saturer les défenses anti-missiles, et les Etats-Unis devront venir s’excuser de s’être mal conduits. Et vous savez quoi ? Ca a toutes les chances de marcher. Et ce n’est que la première étape pour la Russie.

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