Le Monde se contente de parler de barrage risquant de s’effondrer en Iraq:
Et TF1.fr n’a pas grand chose à dire non plus sur l’Iraq.
Libé parle de Ben Laden, la vidéo où il déclare quasiment l’Iraq cause perdue pour Al Qaeda:
Et voilà, c’est tout. L’Iraq a disparu. Le bourbier, le chaos sans fin, la guerre éternelle. Disparu. Les Iraqiens, eux, ne s’y trompent pas:
“Al Qaeda in Iraq is defeated,” according to Sheik Omar Jabouri, spokesman for the Iraqi Islamic Party and a member of the widespread and influential Jabouri Tribe. Speaking through an interpreter at a 31 October meeting at the Iraqi Islamic Party headquarters in downtown Baghdad, Sheik Omar said that al Qaeda had been “defeated mentally, and therefore is defeated physically,” referring to how clear it has become that the terrorist group’s tactics have backfired. Operatives who could once disappear back into the crowd after committing an increasingly atrocious attack no longer find safe haven among the Iraqis who live in the southern part of Baghdad. They are being hunted down and killed. Or, if they are lucky, captured by Americans.
Al Qaeda a été défait psychologiquement, donc mentalement. Pas encore dans les médias français, mais ça viendra. La bataille contre Al Qaeda en Iraq est en passe d’être gagnée. Qui osera le dire ?
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