Monthly Archives: juillet 2005 - Page 2

La paix maintenant

Sur I-Télévision, la télé des bobos malcomprenant ce matin:

C’est le plus lourd bilan civil à Londres en temps de paix

(emp. mine)
Faux, faux, faux. Nous sommes en guerre. Le 10 septembre 2001 je l’ignorais, mais nous l’étions déjà. Il suffit d’un camp pour faire une guerre, il suffit d’un agresseur. Ne pas le comprendre, presque 4 ans après le 11 Septembre fatidique, c’est faire preuve d’une ignorance qui frise l’idiotie.

Autre chose, ce matin en partant à mon travail j’ai croisé des cocos de je ne sais quelle engeance (j’ai refusé leurs tracts, dommage) à côté d’un panneau « Bush et Blair = menteurs », un second panneau proclamant quelque chose sur les attentats d’hier et rapprochant lalibération de l’Iraq des attentats. Je leur ai demandé si c’était le moment, et les ai traités de crétins. Putains de gauchistes de merde, ils m’inspirent le dégoût, toujours prêts à se servir d’un massacre pour servir leurs causes politiques… Ils sont prêts à s’allier avec le pire des terroristes Arafat, avec les pires raclures islamistes d’Iran, les assassins de masse nords coréens, le zimbabwéen raciste Mugabe, pas de problème du moment qu’ils peuvent blâmer l’Amérique.

What he said

I emailed Neil Prakash recently and he asked me to explain why I was behind America and American soldiers. Here’s what I answered:

The plan to bring democracy to Middle East (ME) seems to be the only one that can guarantee, if it works of course, a long term solution to islamic terror.

Without functionnal societies, the ME countries will produce an endless stream of badass bearded people willing to cut throats, release some deadly virus in the London subway, or unleash a nuke in DC. And since they have the money they also export their coranic inspired hatred to the rest of the muslim world: Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippinnes, Thailand, but also in Europe… so the problem can only get worse!
Therefore, the alternative if the « neo-con » strategy fails, is to rely on defense for decades, therefore curbing our freedom more and more, until they decide to stop attacking us (yeah, count on that!), or if they don’t stop to obliterate them with nukes in response to, say, a smallpox epidemy or a nuke in Central Park (sounds more probable than them quieting down, heh ?).

About the alternative, Wretchard (The Belmont Club) wrote in his comment section:

I believe we passed the stage of sending messages on September 11. The time has come to do whatever is necessary to win against Islamic terrorism. Because of the tremendous power of the United States « whatever is necessary » may in fact be limited to overthrowing dysfunctional governments and hunting down terrorist cells. That is the humane opportunity before us. But should the enemy’s power increase then all the stops will progressively be pulled out because we are in a fight to death and in those circumstances « whatever is necessary » will mean exactly that. If we ever have to send bombers over Mecca it should only be to use them. We are not at that stage yet but we will eventually get to the greater tragedy if we cannot successfully prosecute the fight against terrorism by limited means. What is scary about London is not that it happened, but that there is nothing to prevent it from being serially repeated everywhere except the defeat of the enemy.

Whatever is necessary. When a nuke is set off in NYC, Paris, Rome, it will become really ugly. Blah about Gitmo will also become obsolete. Revenge is not yet an option. Not yet.

TF1 a le sens de l’humour.

Screenshot included:
Chirac souriant

TF1 aurait peut-être pu choisir une photo où Chirac se marre pas… aussi corrompu que soit ce pourri de Chirac j’ose espérer qu’il n’arborait pas cette tête quand on lui a annoncé la nouvelle.

D’après The Sun il y aurait des opérations directement sur des blessés extraits des stations de métro… la situation est vraiment très critique. J’ai la sinistre impression que le bilan va s’alourdir très fortement dans la journée. 3 bus réduits en miettes. Combien de personnes dans chaque bus ? Surtout quand le métro ne fonctionne plus! Et d’après d’autres sources, deux trains seraient coincés « underground ». Si il y a eu des bombes dans deux trains en tunnel, on peut craindre des centaines de morts… d’autant que dans les traumatismes graves les chances de survie s’amenuisent très vite.

J’ai très très mal au coeur. Et il est 14h37 et je suis supposé bosser. Pas possible.

Après Madrid, Londres…

Pas grand chose à dire, ni à faire à part prier…


Allez lire le Jerusalem Post: The mask is off and no one cares. Une analyse plus poussée des conclusions de mon billet sur les élections iraniennes truquées: c’est une déclaration de guerre de la part des mollahs.

Why this blog ?

I said in an earlier post that I would post both in French and English. Obviously I failed. So just to make it clear to all US visitors: this website is supportive of the US effort in bringing peace and democracy in the Middle East. I hope that the site banner is not offensive, it is a reminder of what/who we’re facing: cold blood murderers, blinded by their death cult.

Why ? (short version, translated from French)

The Killing Fields is about friendship between New York Times’s Sidney Schanberg and his Cambodian guide, Dith Pran. The movie goes through the horrors of war, the fall and forced evacuation of Pnom Penh by the Khmer Rouge, then the camps. Pran spent 4 years in these camps, before fleeing. A magnificient story, though the true story might be a little bit different (I don’t know whether that’s true or not. I guess I prefer to stick with the film’s story).

At the time, Schanberg, just like most of US and Western journalists, was against the US intervention in Vietnam. The movie does a good job demonstrating it, lightly.
Journalist’s motives were multiple: some were supportive of the Khmer, the Revolution (some European commies were), some were against their own governement (and full of leftist delusions too)… some just could’nt handle the suffering civilians. Do you remember the picture of a naked girl, running away from her bombed village, severly burnt from napalm ?
Whatever the motives, the journalists acted like a prosecutor against the US gov. But they did more: they fed the public with false informations: Walter Cronkite lied during Tet 68. It was one of the greatest military blunder of the century for Giap. And don’t get me started about someone like Chomsky
Anyway, a few years later the boys went home. US air support was denied to the SVA and the South fell. Then Cambodia and Laos followed.
And communists did what they know best: mass jailing, massacre, mass exodus, famine, unroot people, destroy the culture, indoctrinate the children, « re-educate » the parents… Death toll for Cambodia alone: about 2 million people. And the boat people in Vietnam. And an utter economic disaster in Laos.

Some journalists later regreted their words. Maybe they should have talked about the mass executions in Hue during Tet 68 ? Maybe they could have read and talked about the Khmer Rouge program ? About the mass exodus in 54/55 from North Vietnam to South Vietnam ?
Some still have no remorse, and put the blame on the US gov, the CIA… yeah, and forget about the Chinese funds and weapons, the Soviet delight…

Today the same medias are at it again in Iraq. They show pieces of bodies scattered by a carbomb. They show bloody executions shot by a « passing by » photographer (how lucky!). They will shed tears for destroyed houses in Fallujah… They seem unable to call a terrorist a terrorist. They make their headlines with false statistics. They insist on the destructions, but forget about the schools, the sewer systems, the restored pipelines, the hospitals built… They run stories about a few uncontrolled soldiers in one prison as if they were the all American army… Michael Moore can even depict Iraq as a paradise where kids used to fly kites before US bombs put an end to their innocent games…
Who cares about good news ? Oh, yes, bloggers do. Chrenkoff, Captain’s quarters, LGF, Instapundit, Powerline… But no MSM.

Sure, few journalists could be suspected of a real sympathy to terrorists, but they participate, just like their heroes 40 years ago, in a destabilisation operation of a newly free country. It could lead to much much worse results than yielded in Cambodia. Islamic terrorists are waiting for US troops to move away to unleash their barbaric instincts.
Of course if US cuts and runs the resulting bloodshed will be blamed upon the US: if they hadn’t came there would have been no terror in Iraq! Sure, what about Saddam ? He never massacred anyone, right ?
Do the journalists really want a taliban like regime in Iraq, or a civil war instead of a democracy ?
It’s time to draw lessons from the past, and to ask who’s friend and foe. That’s why I created LMAE.